Video created for a past awareness event provided by Lauren R.  Photos provided by parents.

Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Awareness

Our Mission

Out mission is to create a wave of awareness about Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome so that early diagnosis can be made and information is readily available to medical providers and families.

What We've Achieved

From planting a seed to making lifetime commitments, we each make a difference.

  • Grew from a yahoo chat group to a Facebook support group with over 3,300 members in February 2017: an online family of people connected from around the world.
  • An annual day of awareness with Family and Friends wearing yellow to spread awareness locally and on social media.
  • Local Meet Ups/BWS Family Picnics
  • Organized BWS Conferences
  • Families sharing their stories with local media outlets on the internet and online.
  • Local stories going viral on the internet and in magazines around the world.
  • Foundations for information and support.
  • Fundraising for
    • Family Support
    • Medical Research
    • Individual Family Fundraisers

Do you or a loved one have BWS? Do you want to be part of a supportive community of other BWS families?